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Evaluation Types

  • Organization assessment

  • Program evaluations

  • Project evaluations - focusing on process and outcome

  • Monitoring/reviews

Evaluation Process

I conduct evaluations as per OECD/DAC criteria of Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability. I follow participatory methodology for the evaluations, whilst maintaining objectivity in the assessment. To begin with, the evaluation proposal is finalized in consultation with the client organization. The assessment itself is conducted in a participatory manner, engaging the client organizations in constant discussion, and understanding their perspective and challenges and deliberating on future possibilities on an ongoing basis as the evaluation goes on.

A debriefing is done with the client organization for consideration and acceptance. Discussions are held to arrive at a consensus. However, in exceptional cases of disagreements on the evaluation findings, the report includes the perspectives of the client organization as well as of the evaluator.


The draft report is first sent to the client organization and after receipt of the comments, the report is finalized and sent to the client organization and to donor organizations, if they have commissioned the evaluation.

Recent Evaluation Assignments

  • Ekta Parishad's project supported by Bread for the World, Germany

  • Community based organizations of Vaagdhara, Rajasthan

  • Evaluation of Hausla program for the Homeless people, run by Centre for Equity Studies (CES), funded by Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiative (APPI)​​

  • Evaluation of Core program of Church of North India (CNI), Synodical Board of Social Service (SBSS), funded by Bread for the World, German

  • Evaluation of rights and entitlements program of Vidhya Dham Samiti, District Banka, UP, funded by Andheri Hilfe, Germany

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